
Actually, my illness does define me

For many people, illness has a narrative: a clear beginning, middle and end. If we’re lucky, the ending is actually a fresh start where the illness is gone and our hero is returned to normal life, changed but stronger because of their ordeals. In the lives of those with chronic…

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Nuclear push is about ideology, not solutions

Australia is experiencing an energy crisis on multiple fronts. In the short-term we are facing skyrocketing power prices, and grid stability issues. In the long-but-getting-shorter-by-the-day-term Australia’s disproportionate contribution to climate change is still a massive problem. Neither of these situations is sustainable.

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Do drug users deserve to die?

Do drug users deserve to die? Maybe I’m just a bleeding-heart lefty, but I hope that most people would answer this question with a ‘no’. Unfortunately, if you read the comment section of any news story on the recent spate of drug-related deaths at music festivals you will find a…

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The myth of the average teacher

I have the controversial opinion among my colleagues that teachers, on average, actually get paid pretty well. Averaging, however, is the crux of debate on teacher workload. Yes, if a teacher’s job is averaged over the year, their pay is reasonable and their workload is manageable.

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